20022 Halloween Costume Ideas

Boba Fett Jet Pack

Boba Fett Jet Pack By: Rubies Costume Co. Inc for the 2022 Costume season.


Intergalactic bounty hunters in training, take note. You're gonna have a ton of stuff to carry around. Like a sweet blaster, needed to take out all sorts of menacing ruffians. You'll need a compass and GPS, since it can get pretty lonely out in space if you don't know where you're going. You'll probably want to pack a few snacks, maybe some red licorice or some golden cream-filled cakes. And don't forget room to carry around all the sweet bounty that you're sure to be collecting from Darth Vader, Jabba the Hut, and whoever else you'll be working for. Sounds like this Boba Fett jet pack backpack is definitely in order. Just be sure no one sets in off near any sarlacc pits.

By Rubies Costume Co. Inc