20022 Halloween Costume Ideas

Toy Tactical Machine Gun

Toy Tactical Machine Gun By: Sunny Days for the 2022 Costume season.


Kids love to run around pretending they're part of the US Military, or on a super secret task force who's sole mission is to save the last of the unicorns from ravenous groups of the undead. Usually kids just run around using empty paper towel tubes "pew-pewing" at each other, but those days, thankfully, are gone! Now they can really let their imaginations soar with our toy tactical machine gun. It's got all the sound effects and the look of the real thing while also being totally safe and easy to spot as a toy with its orange tipped barrel. Will they save the unicorn from the zombie horde in time? Now that they have the right equipment, we have high hopes for that unicorn. *crosses fingers*

By Sunny Days