20022 Halloween Costume Ideas

Alien Chest Buster Illusion Costume

Alien Chest Buster Illusion Costume By: Morphsuits for the 2022 Costume season.


Well, look who just popped up! It looks like you are the proud parent of a gross little alien creature. How did it feel to keep him incubated for so long? Well, I guess he was done cooking in your belly because now this icky little guy with an insatiable appetite is ready to party. If you are looking for an interactive costume that will scare the pants off of your friends, you may want to try this Alien Chest Buster Illusion Costume. People will see your costume from down the street and start running for the hills. They'll think 'it's an alien invasion,' but really you are just having an alien baby! Awww...NOT!

By Morphsuits