20022 Halloween Costume Ideas

Family Guy Quagmire Deluxe Adult Mask

Family Guy Quagmire Deluxe Adult Mask By: Disguise for the 2022 Costume season.


All we ask is that you be on your best behavior while wearing this Quagmire mask! We've seen his antics, and yes we always laugh, sometimes so hard our Pawtucket Patriot shoots out our nose, but we wouldn't go so far as to say that Quagmire is a good role model. He's hilarious, and you may be inspired to say "Giggidy" a whole lot while wearing this mask, but please, keep it together! That little PSA being said... we think you're going to be the talk of Quahog while wearing this, and we mean that in a positive way! Not, you know, as the subject of some head-shaking headlines.

By Disguise